
Although one of the oldest research papers on the medical effects of Hydrogen date back to 1975, it wasnt until 2007 that research on Hydrogen therapy really took a progressive step.

This came on the back of  a 2007 study where Dr Ohta and his team of medical researchers discovered the amazing breakthrough that dissolved hydrogen could reduce the level of toxic hydroxal radicals.  Hydroxal radicals are the most unstable of free radicals that contribute to oxidative stress, a major cause of disease and inflammation.

From this important date forward, over 1000 research studies have been published, suggesting that Hydrogen has therapeutic benefit in over 170 disease models, and has positive benefit in every organ of the human body.

Here at Hydrogenix, it is our intention to bring the information to you, so you can see the research done to date and the benefits suggested by the studies.

Below we have detailed some of the more common disease models researched to date, and provided a link to the research paper summaries.

For a generalised understanding, below is a link to a summary of much of the research and summary findings to date.

The Evolution of Molecular Hydrogen

Disease Model Studies 

(click links below for more detail)
Aging Hypertension Regulation Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Allergies Heart Attack Parkinson's Disease
Athletic Performance Stroke Reproductive Health
Auto Immune Disease Cancer Pregnancy
Colitis Cognitive Performance Fertility
Diabetes (Type 1) Diabetes (Type 2) Skin Conditions
Rheumatoid Arthritis Depression Acne

Bone Health

General Health Psoriasis/Eczema
Brain Injury Kidney Disease Vision
CTE Liver Disease (Cirrhosis) Weight Management
Concussion Lung Disease Other Conditions
Traumatic Brain Injury Metabolic Syndrome Bedsores
Cardiovascular Disease Mitochondrial Myopathies Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Atherosclerosis Muscular Dystrophy Erectile Dysfunction
Blood Clots Neurodegenerative Diseases Hearing Loss
Cholesterol Balance Alzheimer's Disease Sepsis



 Article coming soon


Hydrogen water has been shown to potentially benefit those with allergies due to its antioxidant action.  Hydrogen water has been shown to balance the immune response for common inflammatory allergy condition, Eczema.

Scientific report on Eczema

Scientific report on allergy reduction

Athletic Performance

Get an edge on your competition

Testing 10 elite male soccer players in a double blind manner for 1 week.


  • Subjects drinking normal water saw increases in blood lactate levels, while those drinking Hydrogen Water saw no increase in blood lactate levels.
  • Peak torque of athletes drinking normal water saw significant decreases in power, while those drinking hydrogen didn't see a change of peak torque at the early phases.

The test concluded that Hydrogen water reduced blood lactate levels and improved exercise-induced decline of muscle function

Muscle Fatigue Research

Cyclist Test

Muscle Degeneration Research

Auto Immune Disease

Auto Immune diseases occur when the immune system produces antibodies that wrongly attack the body's own cells.  There are many different autoimmune diseases, but most tend to cause inflammation.

Hydrogen water has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant and has an anti-inflammatory ability that logically promotes a healthy immune balance.

Scientific Report on Hydrogen as a selective antioxidant

Hydroxal reduction

A potential treatment for MS

Oxidative stress in the progression of Osteoporosis


Ulcerative Colitis (UC) induced in rats was effectively treated by the administration of Hydrogen rich saline.  The treatment reduced weight loss and diarrhea in the rats and effectively alleviated the colonic mucosal damage.

Scientific Report

Scientific Report 2

Diabetes (Type 1)

Hydrogen improves glycemic control in Type 1 diabetic animal model by promoting glucose uptake into skeletal muscle

Scientific Report

Suppressive effects of electrolyzed reduced water on alloxan-induced apoptosis and type 1 diabetes mellitus

Scientific Report

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Many studies have demonstrated a role of oxidative stress in initiation and progression of chronic inflammatory diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).

Results of the testing in the below Scientific Report concluded that Hydrogen Water could be a novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of RA and further investigation is needed to explore its exact role.

Scientific Report

Another clinical study resulted in 4 out of 5 patients with early onset RA becoming symptom free of RA after a 4 week trial.

Scientific Report

Bone Health

Treatment with Hydrogen molecule alleviates Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced cell injury in osteoblast

Scientific Report

Brain Injury

Many studies have been done on the effectiveness of Hydrogen in the treatment of traumatic brain injury and concession.  Overall the benefits have been seen based on Hydrogen's ability to reduce oxidative stress on the injury, and also its ability to cross the blood brain barrier and enter into the cell mytachodria.

Research in this area is ongoing, but initial results have been promising.  A few of the reports can be seen below.

Scientific Report 1

Scientific Report 2

Scientific Report 3

Scientific Report 4

Scientific Report 5



Contact sports such as rugby union, rugby league and American football have seen a significant rise in what we call Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, better known as CTE.

Post traumatic brain injury issues often result as a cause of sustained and ongoing neuroinflammation well past the playing days of athletes.  Emerging preclinical studies are showing hope that persistent neuroinflammation and associated neurodegeneration may be treatable long after the initiating insults.

Scientific Report

Reports on the effective use of Hydrogen water as a role in brain injury treatment

Scientific Report 1

Scientific Report 2



Recent studies have shown that inhalation of H2 gases has a beneficial effect to traumatic brain injury via reducing oxidative stress.

Scientific Report

Traumatic Brain Injury (also see above)

 Scientific Report

Cardiovascular Disease

Studies point to the potential for H2 combat and ameliorate all facets of cardiovascular disease, including the abilities to lower serum LDL, combat atherosclerosis, regulate hypertension, and reduce chronic inflammation.  A study on rats has shown potential for improved survival rates and neurological outcome after cardiac arrest, and other studies have demonstrated H2’s ability to attenuate the severity of strokes.


 "Consumption of H2 dissolved water has the potential to prevent arteriosclerosis".

Scientific Report

Scientific Report 2

Blood Clots

Hydrogen therapy reduces hydroxyl radical and increases endogenous antioxidants caused by oxidative stress

“Hydrogen therapy reduces hydroxyl radical and increases endogenous antioxidants caused by oxidative stress. Molecular hydrogen is proposed to be protective by increasing endogenous antioxidants in addition to scavenging the hydroxyl radical after an injury such as oxidative stress. Hydrogen is qualified to cross the blood brain barrier, to enter the mitochondria, and even has the ability to translocate to the nucleus under certain conditions. Once in these ideal locations of the cell, previous studies have shown that hydrogen exerts antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, and cytoprotective properties that are beneficial to the cell.”

Scientific Report

Cholesterol Balance

 20 patients with potential metabolic syndrome consuming H2 water for a 10 week period resulted in decreased serum total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.  HDL function was also significantly improved.

Scientific Report

Scientific Report 2

Hypertension Regulation

Review a study of Hydrogen effects on Hypertension regulation 

Scientific Report

Heart Attack

 "...cardiac function was significantly improved and plasma levels of oxidative stress markers and myocardial autophagic activity were decreased in animals treated with hydrogen containing saline".

Scientific Report

Another report concluded that H2 gas is a favorable strategy to mitigate mortality and functional outcome of post Cardiac Arrest syndrome.

Scientific Report


Scientific Report 1

Scientific Report 2


In all studies done on the therapeutic effects of Hydrogen water on Cancer, it is important to note that no studies conclude with any determination that you should not undergo regular cancer treatments as your primary source of care.  However tests have shown that the use of Hydrogen has not interfered with any of the regular treatments for Cancer.  Thus, the benefits of using Hydrogen in conjunction with regular treatments is generally summarised as beneficial.

 Quality of live studies have been performed on cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy for liver tumours.  Results are promising and showed an improved QOL score for those patients who drank hydropgen rich water vs those who were drinking a placebo.

Scientific Report

Many studies have been performed on the use of Hydrogen as a selective antioxidant, used for the prevention of cancers.

See below link to research done on the effects of Hydrogen water in a colon cancer study on rats, where regular cancer treatment methods were enhanced when combined with the use of Hydrogen Water during the study

Scientific Report

Consumption of hydrogen-rich water protects against ferric nitrilotriacetate-induced nephrotoxicity and early tumor promotional events in rats

“Consumption with HW decreased the incidence of renal cell carcinoma and suppressed tumor growth in Fe-NTA-treated in rats. In conclusion, drinking with HW attenuated Fe-NTA-induced renal injury and inhibited early tumor promotional events in rats.”

Scientific Report

Here are links to more testing on the the benefits of Hydrogen water on cancers and tumours.

Scientific Report

Scientific Report

Cognitive Performance

  Article coming soon

Diabetes (Type 2)

 Key test findings

36 patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, drank 900ml of hydrogen water daily for 8 weeks.  The study concluded that drinking hydrogen water resulted in:

  • A significant reduction in Cholesterol
  • Improved glucose tolerance
  • Improved Insulin resistance

The test concluded that supplementation with hydrogen rich water may have a beneficial role in the prevention of Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

Scientific report


Studies have shown that lowered levels of antioxidants and higher levels of MDA implicate the high degree of oxidative stress in unipolar depression.  (H2 water is known for its high antioxidant properties to fight against selected free radicals.)

Scientific Report

There is now growing evidence that the imbalance between oxidative stress and the antioxidant defense system may be associated with depression and anxiety.

Scientific Report

General Health

  Article coming soon

Kidney Disease

H2’s antioxidant properties have been shown, in rat studies, to be effective at combatting the severity of contrast-induced acute kidney injury and renal injury.

Inhalation of hydrogen gas is beneficial for preventing contrast-induced acute kidney injury in rats

“Mechanistic analyses showed that inhalation of H2 gas significantly reduced renal cell apoptosis, expression of cleaved caspase 3, and expression of an oxidative stress marker, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, in injured kidneys. Results suggest that H2 gas inhalation is effective in ameliorating the severity of CIAKI in rats by reducing renal cell apoptosis and oxidative stress.”

Scientific Report

Liver Disease (Cirrhosis)

Multiple studies on rats and mice have shown the benefits H2 water can have on the repair of liver damage and reduce inflammation associated with liver disease.  This was mostly down to the the ability of H2 to activate the body's antioxidant capabilities and fight against harmful free radicals such as Hydroxal radicals.

  1. Scientific Report 1
  2. Scientific Report 2
  3. Scientific Report 3
  4. Scientific Report 4
  5. Scientific Report 5
  6. Scientific Report 6
  7. Scientific Report 7


Lung Disease

Hydrogen rich Saline has been shown to be protective of the lungs against oxygen toxicity and other oxidative stress mediated diseases of the lung.

Saturated hydrogen saline protects the lung against toxicity

Scientific Report

Hydrogen-rich saline protects against acute lung injury induced by extensive burn in rat model

Scientific Report

Metabolic Syndrome

Studies that also show potential benefits for patients with type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and elevated triglycerides are also promising for metabolic syndrome, since there are often related and share similar features.

Supplementation of hydrogen-rich water improves lipid and glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance

“Supplementation with molecular hydrogen-rich water may have a beneficial role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance by helping to stabilize blood sugar, which is a critical aspect of long-term weight loss.”

Scientific Report

Mitochondrial Myopathies

H2 improved mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with mitochondrial myopathies and muscular distrophy.

Open-label trial and randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial of hydrogen-enriched water for mitochondrial and inflammatory myopathies

“Hydrogen-enriched water improves mitochondrial dysfunction in MM and inflammatory processes in PM/DM. Less prominent effects with the double-blind trial compared to the open-label trial were likely due to a lower amount of administered hydrogen and a shorter observation period, which implies a threshold effect or a dose-response effect of hydrogen.”

Scientific Report

Muscular Dystrophy

Scientific Report

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Treatment with H2 appears to elevate brain-derived neurotropic factor, improving brain function. H2 treatment has also been shown to block pathological expression of tau proteins (i.e. neurofibrillary tangles, which are a central feature of Alzheimer’s disease). Additionally, H2 appears to combat neuroinflammation and oxidative stress.

See more below

Alzheimer's Disease

 Rat model test conclusions:

  • Hydrogen rich saline prevented Abeta-induced neuroinflammation and oxidative stress, which may contribute to the improvement of memory dysfunction in this rat model.
  • Physically, the rats improved in their Morris water maze tests (spatial learning and memory test)

Alzheimers test on rat model

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Motor Neuron Disease)

 Conclusions of the research

  • Oxidative stress is closely related to the pathogenesis and disease mechanism in ALS.
  • The modulation of oxidative stress is crucial in the development of ALS therapeutics.
  • However this is a very complex disease with still much to learn and understand

Research paper on Oxidative stress in ALS patients

Hydrogen Rich Saline delays disease progression in a mouse model of ALS

Parkinson's Disease

 Studies suggest that H2 water is likely able to retard the progression and development of Parkinson's disease, mainly because of its selective antioxidant abilities.  Another study shows the Nueroprotective effect of H2 water in Parkinsons disease is mediated by enhanced production of ghrelin.

Research Paper

Research Paper 2

Research Paper 3

Reproductive Health

Studies point to the close ties between reproductive health and oxidative stress, from fertility through pregnancy and beyond. H2 may have a variety of strong therapeutic applications for reproductive health, including increasing female fertility, increasing sperm motility, and reducing the risk of pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, preeclampsia, and improving fetal developmental programming.


Oxidative status and serum prolidase activity in tubal ectopic pregnancy

“Total antioxidant capacity levels were lower in the ectopic pregnancy group than the healthy group (p < 0.018), whereas total oxidant status, oxidative stress index and prolidase activity were higher (p < 0.05). Ectopic pregnancy may be associated with increased serum prolidase activity and oxidative stress, and this association may help to provide a better understanding about the pathogenesis of ectopic pregnancy.

Scientific Report

Oxidative stress damage as a detrimental factor in preterm birth pathology

“Normal term and spontaneous preterm births (PTB) are documented to be associated with oxidative stress (OS), and imbalances in the redox system (balance between pro- and antioxidant) have been reported in the maternal-fetal intrauterine compartments. We postulate that fetal cell senescence signals generated by OS damage are likely triggers for labor.”

Scientific Report

Study of oxidative stress and enzymatic antioxidants in normal pregnancy

“Pregnancy is a physiological state accompanied by a high-energy demand and an increased oxygen requirement. It was observed that pregnant women were more susceptible to oxidative damage than non-pregnants as indicated by increased thiobarbituric acid reactive substance and decreased antioxidants.”

Scientific Report


Oxidative stress and epididymal sperm transport, motility and morphological defects

“Radical oxidative species (ROS) have an important effect on sperm quality and quantity. High levels of CP can be measured in iOAT patients, indicating that OS could underlie the aetipopathogenesis of the syndrome. OS negatively affects flagellar axonemal structure with subsequent impairment of forward progressive sperm motility. This can put an attention for antioxidants as a therapy for iOAT syndrome and further research to find how to decrease ROS production.”

Scientific Report

Effect of oxidative stress in male infertility

“Oxidative stress is involved with many chronic pathological conditions and the current study was designed to evaluate any association that may exist between male infertility and oxidative stress. Infertile male patients show an elevation of oxidative stress markers both in the erythrocytes and in the seminal plasma. Indicating that male infertility might be associated with increased oxidative stress.”

Scientific Report

Skin Conditions

  H2 has been demonstrated to be effective in protecting the skin from oxidative damage, which has a variety of applications for combatting and preventing a variety of skin conditions, including acne, eczema, psoriasis, erythematous skin conditions (such as herpes), wrinkles, and skin damage from radiation.


Addressing free radical oxidation in acne vulgaris

“The presence of excessive reactive oxygen species can be implicated in each of the major abnormalities involved. This presence, along with the positive results of the authors’ preliminary study, demonstrates the need for more exploration on the use of topical antioxidants in limiting free radical oxidation in the acne model. ROS can be implicated in each of the abnormalities associated with acne vulgaris.”

Scientific Report

Oxidants and anti-oxidants status in acne vulgaris patients with varying severity

“Acne vulgaris is a common dermatological disorder with a multifactorial pathogenesis. Oxidative status has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several skin diseases, including acne. The data suggests that oxidative stress plays a key role in acne progress and may be employed as a biomarker index to assess the disease’s activity and to monitor its treatment.”

Scientific Report


The drinking effect of hydrogen water on atopic dermatitis induced by dermatophagoides farinae allergen in NC/Nga mice

“The results suggest that HW affects allergic contact dermatitis through modulation of Th1 and Th2 responses in NC/Nga mice. This is the first note on the drinking effect of HW on AD, clinically implying a promising potential remedy for treatment of AD.”

Scientific Report

Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of psoriasis

“Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated hyperproliferative inflammatory skin disease in which a cytokine network concept is well established. Skin is a major target of oxidative stress mainly due to reactive oxygen species (ROS) originating from the environment and skin metabolism itself.”

Scientific Report


The potential utilizations of hydrogen as a promising therapeutic strategy against ocular diseases

“Hydrogen can modulate several biological functions, and exhibits antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The ability of hydrogen to neutralize free radicals, especially the hydroxyl radicals as well as other detrimental ROS, can be utilized to treat or prevent ocular disorders related to oxidative stress.”

Scientific Report

Weight Management

H2’s abilities to combat insulin resistance, diabetes, and improve fatty acid metabolism through reduction of oxidative stress are all helpful for weight management.

Other Conditions

 See Below


Hydrogen water intake via tube-feeding for patients with pressure ulcer and its reconstructive effects on normal human skin cells in vitro

“HW intake via TF was demonstrated, for severely hospitalized elderly patients with PU, to execute wound size reduction and early recovery, which potently ensue from either type-I collagen construction in dermal fibroblasts or the promoted mitochondrial reducing ability and ROS repression in epidermal keratinocytes as shown by immunostain or NBT and WST-1 assays, respectively.”

Scientific Report

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

A study using rats showed that H2-rich saline can prevent both neuron loss and loss of antioxidant capabilities after acute exposure to carbon monoxide.

Hydrogen-rich saline reduces delayed neurologic sequelae in experimental carbon monoxide toxicity

“This observation demonstrated that hydrogen-rich saline peritoneal injection improves histologic and functional assessment in a rat model of CO encephalopathy. Hydrogen saline has potentials as a novel and alternative therapy for severely CO-poisoned patients with delayed neurologic sequelae. The therapeutic effects of hydrogen-rich saline may be related to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions.”

Scientific Report

Erectile Dysfunction

Oxidative stress is also associated with erectile dysfunction. In a study on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, H2 treatment effectively improved erectile function.

Protective effects of hydrogen-rich saline against erectile dysfunction in a streptozotocin induced diabetic rat model

“Hydrogen-rich saline effectively improved erectile function in a streptozotocin induced diabetic rat model of erectile dysfunction.”

Scientific Report

Hearing Loss

Another potential benefit of H2’s selective antioxidant ability is to prevent noise-related hearing loss.

Inhaled hydrogen gas therapy for prevention of noise-induced hearing loss through reducing reactive oxygen species

“H2-treated group showed decreased immunoreactivity for 8-OHdg. the H2-treated group showed decreased immunoreactivity for 8-OHdG. These findings strongly suggest that inhaled hydrogen gas protects against noise induced hearing loss.”

Scientific Report


H2 has been shown to have protective effects in subjects with infectious disease through the regulation of oxidative stress, inflammatory response, and apoptosis.

Effects of hydrogen-rich saline treatment on polymicrobial sepsis

“Hydrogen has been reported to selectively reduce hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite anion in many pathologic processes. HRS has potential protective effects against sepsis by decreasing proinflammatory responses, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in a rat model of polymicrobial sepsis.”

Scientific Report